What is spasticity management?

Spasticity is a condition that consists of involuntary muscle contractions or spasms. The treatment of spasticity depends on its severity and underlying cause. Common approaches include physical therapy to improve flexibility and strength which may be combined with medical approaches such as medications to relax muscles.

How our team can help

Our highly trained clinicians are adept at performing complex assessment to identify where Spasticity is occurring and how it is impacting on your function. With this information at hand we work with you to identify the most appropriate method to overcome the spasticity or implement techniques to help manage or accommodate the Spasticity. Often the plan made will include exercises in the clinic and at home, focussing on strengthening, balance and flexibility. We also can provide specific assessment for progressive solutions such as the ExoPulse Mollii Suit, which is an emerging technology designed to reduce the presence and impacts of spasticity.

Treatment modalities

We find that a multifaceted approach works best when it comes to managing Spasticity. Our specialists believe education plays a crucial role in helping individuals and their loved ones understand the condition and the available treatment options. Weight-bearing exercises, focusing on strengthening and flexibility, can contribute to improved muscle function. In cases where more targeted intervention is needed, a multidisciplinary team (MDT) approach, including therapies like Botox injections, Exopulse Mollii Suit or casting, may be recommended.