What are osteoarthritis supports?

We offer a tailored solution to those dealing with osteoarthritis-related challenges associated with musculoskeletal issues, joint or biomechanical problems or muscular fatigue. Osteoarthritis supports, also known as braces or orthoses, are specialised devices designed to provide support and alleviate symptoms associated with osteoarthritis. These supports are crafted to reduce pain, improve joint stability, and enhance overall function.

How our team can help

We take precision seriously – from assessing the correct device to accurate measurement, fitting, and even the customisation and manufacture of entirely bespoke devices tailored to your unique shapes and requirements. When it comes to osteoarthritis bracing, the options are extensive, emphasising the importance of seeking evaluation from experienced clinicians to pinpoint the most suitable solution for your distinct needs. Here in the ACT region, we proudly stand as your go-to provider with the broadest array of Osteoarthritis-specific bracing options, ensuring a comprehensive approach to address your individual requirements.

Treatment modalities

We are proud to offer a selection of customised braces and orthotic solutions designed to alleviate joint pain and improve stability with precise measurements and tailored fittings. Osteoarthritis supports can effectively manage osteoarthritis, enhancing overall quality of life for our clients.

Our Services

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